Our History

Connections are important, incredibly useful things. They stop us drifting, provide anchors, but also form new points for us to push off from.

Toby Moores, David Terrar and Alex Craxton had already made a connection when they got together one Wednesday morning in London at the Creative Coffee Club and got chatting about the power of connecting nodes. This is the kind of thing that happens when you get a gaggle of geeks together (as more and more places are finding out). Toby and David founded CCC, DT also facilitates Wiki Wednesdays and Alex runs Mobile Mondays. This conversation took place just as Lloyd Davis’ Social Media Cafe was taking off every Friday morning… all this underlined just how healthy our UK based social networks could be.

Now each of these events runs towards individual sets of goals, but interestingly they all seem to be running in the same direction. They want to grow and help their members along the way and become the focal point for creativity and discussion in those particular fields. Along the way of course there had been obstacles and pitfalls to overcome, some easier to outwit than others. What was interesting was that the members of these groups were starting to overlap.

At some point someone raised the idea of a Network of Networks and the thing refused to go away. Which brought us here.

I’ve been working with Toby for the last month talking about the creative landscape, his and DT’s Cool Curve concept and the power and knowledge that is released when once individual communities (be they large corporations, university departments or small social groups) become interconnected. Our conversations are coming at a time when the world at large is shifting and it’s an exciting time to be pushing new ideas forward.

We all hope that by combining our collective abilities we can seed a true network of networks and host a joint event under this banner in the very near future. This blog will be just one place to throw those ideas around.

  • Amplifying Now: Northern Area Dance Meeting 2010

  • Amplified Recently: National Freelancer\\\'s Day

  • Recent Amplified Goings On

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    Here is where you'll find the things that we are working on at the moment.
    This could be anything from an unconference to Amplifying an event to helping to start a conversation.

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