Personal Democracy Forum – General Election 2010

Personal Democracy Forum (PdF), the world’s largest conference on how technology is changing politics, is delighted to have hosted, in conjunction with the RSA, and Onalytica, a review of the election in London on the evening of 13 May with top speakers from the digital leadership of all three parties, key media commentators, and online experts from the United States.

Speakers included two of the most sought after US political strategists Mindy Finn and Joe Trippi, along with PdF’s founder Andrew Rasiej. From the UK we welcomed Stella Creasy, Labour’s MP in Walthamstow, the senior strategists behind the online campaigns from the 3 main parties: Labour’s Mark Hanson (new media strategist, former associate editor of, Conservative’s Craig Elder (Online communities editor at the conservative party) and Lib Dem’s Mark Pack (Head of Digital at Mandate Communications and co-editor Lib Dem Voice We also welcome Harry Cole editor of ToryBear.comAnthony Painter Commentator and Journalist, Mick Fealty, founding editor of  Slugger O’Toole and Prospect Magazine’s 

The event was chaired by Charlie Beckett the Director of POLIS. The event was an interactive question time format with participants from across the political spectrum who have distinguished themselves by their usage of digital media through the course of the UK election.

You’ll find short profiles of the Amplified team here

If you are using social media tools to report on the day remember the hashtag is:

Stella Creasy, Labour's MP in Walthamstow.jpg
by quitexander, 19/05/10 2:41pm
(via I felt like a kid in a candy store. The event was held at RSA House. Designed by Robert Adam in the early 1770s, the historic home of the RSA has been the intellectual and social home of some of the greatest thinkers and social activists since the Enlightenment. The event also featured [...] read more

What happened in the election debate? (via

by quitexander, 17/05/10 7:48pm
Last night Onalytica sponsored the drinks reception for the PdF (Personal Democracy Forum) post election review “Action Replay” at the RSA in London. We were able to showcase to a very interested audience some of the results of our analysis of the debate - analysis that we have been tracking in the run-up to the election. The below chart shows a sample of ‘UK election’ daily buzz and influence – calculated using InfluenceMonitor between 6th April and 6th May. As the discussion was monitored on a daily basis...

Election in an internet world (via

by quitexander, 17/05/10 6:41pm
betapolitics has written about PDFGE2010 here. Yesterday I was in techno-political geek heaven. The Personal Democracy Forum, with the help of Onalytica, had organised ‘General Election Replay’. The e-glitterati panel which had been assembled were ready to be grilled in Question Time style.
by quitexander, 12/05/10 1:00pm
Micah L. Sifry | November 25, 2009 – 2:13pm | Reposted from I’m really pleased with how everything went at PdF Europe’s first conference in Barcelona. We had a great mix of political hacks and hackers from all over the Continent, and the conversations buzzing in the hallways before, during and after each session [...] read more
by quitexander, 12/05/10 12:55pm
read more
by quitexander, 12/05/10 12:50pm
While Tory and LibDem leaders are in talks to form a government coalition, citizens raise their voice against the voting system that led to a hung parliament. Different groups and organizations have just launched Take Back Parliament, seeking a fair voting system so that all parties have representation in Parliament according to the number of votes they receive. read more