Amplified Leicester

Amplified Leicester Logo

Amplified Leicester is a city-wide experiment designed to boost the innovation capacity of Leicester and share new skills which are fast becoming essential in 21st Century workplaces and communities.

In 2009/10 we offered a small group of participants from across the city the chance to:

• Benefit from Leicester’s huge diversity of people and cultures
• Generate new ideas quickly
• Think like a futurist and see the bigger picture
• Organise and collaborate better
• Be persuasive in different social situations
• Share and develop creative ideas
• Manage the stream of information which bombards us every day
• Choose the best people to collaborate with
• Make the most of different kinds of resources – social, economic, creative

On Thursday 15 April 2010 we will showcase their work and expand the conversation to include the city and beyond.

If you are using social media tools to report on the day remember the hashtag is:


The Amplified Individual

by quitexander, 15/04/10 1:17pm
Our understanding of the Amplified Individual is based on research conducted by the Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, California. We are very grateful to them for making their documentation available online. “New technologies of cooperation are combining to create a generation of amplified individuals—workplace superheroes. In some cases they will compete with traditional organizational [...]
by quitexander, 15/04/10 12:10pm
Check out the programme, speakers and workshops – and see who’s here. by Rattle Research In 2009/10 Amplified Leicester offered a small group of participants from across the city the chance to: •    Benefit from Leicester’s huge diversity of people and cultures •    Generate new ideas quickly •    Think like a futurist and see the [...] read more
by quitexander, 15/04/10 12:07pm
Visit Amplified Leicester’s Ning read more

Social Innovation Workshop with David Wilcox

by quitexander, 15/04/10 11:58am
Amplified Leicester welcomed social reporter David Wilcox and his colleague Drew Mackie who used the session to think about amplification and where next for people and places. David focused on the definition of amplification and how we explain Amplified Leicester to visitors...

The Future of Amplified Leicester

by quitexander, 15/04/10 11:41am
The final private session of Amplified Leicester looked at both the past and the future of the project. Way back in Session One on 15th October 2009 Thilo had asked everyone to complete a 'time capsule' form about their expectations for the project and pass it to him in a sealed envelope...
by quitexander, 15/04/10 10:57am
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