
2morro2010 Logo
Share, explore and celebrate new possibilities for our world.

2morro is a free festival of ideas, innovation, performance, music, and positive life stories by young people, that takes place on London’s Southbank on 12 July 2010.

For anyone under 25 interested in making a difference. 2morro showcases the best young entrepreneurs, artists, educators, campaigners, technologists, activists and creative talent in UK.

The lineup includes talks and stories, debates and discussions, performance and poetry delivered by young people for young people. For more infomation on who’s speaking click here.

We’d like to help Amplify the goodness!

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Reflections on 2morro from Naomi Jane

by warriorgrrl, 13/07/10 11:33am
Threads of conversation The creation of opportunity, the power of networks and the being surrounded by the people who are the future.  “You are a huge part of what we are going to create in this country and the world.” Her company is about empowering young people to deal with information and work out how [...]
by quitexander, 13/07/10 11:31am
Video of the presentation from the people behind the Stop and Search app, at 2morro2010 read more
by quitexander, 13/07/10 11:29am
Wizz talks about success at 2morro2010. read more

‘You are the change’: Lucian Tarnowski, Brave New Talent

by briancondon, 12/07/10 5:03pm
Entrepreneurship and social media. These people are all Gen Y – he says (born after 1980). “For the first time in history the youngest people entering the workforce are an authority on somethig that actually matters economically. You should use this to your own advantage.” “What we do is like Facebook but it connects you [...]
by quitexander, 12/07/10 5:01pm
Jason Lewis, from BBC3 is in conversation with Naomi Jane and the clip (above) that they show during the interview has the participants at 2morro2010 rolling on the floor with laughter! read more
Sue Charteris
by warriorgrrl, 12/07/10 4:52pm
The 'Dragon's Den' panel must decide which projects they will fund after short presentations from each of the young people with ideas that need funding. Which one will they pick? read more

‘Changing Power’ – Babs Williams, Newturn

by briancondon, 12/07/10 4:31pm
“Change in our society means saying ‘this isn’t here, why not?” Babs was made homeless in his early teenage years.  He was abused.  His parents were ‘borough swapping’ to escape soicial services.  He was 17 and he was ‘in limbo’ when he walked out and left home.  The authorities told him he might be ‘making [...]
Globe cradled in two hands
by quitexander, 12/07/10 4:30pm
Gets everyone to stand up and turn to the person next to you and say “Let’s Go!” [they do]. Born and bred in East London [cheers and applause]. He is a recent economics graduate. “Where I lived, I could see Canary Wharf every day - but I wasnt really aware of what it was. Through University and a leadership event at HSBC, I realised that I could ; 'think big’. Asks audience to think for 10 s about your own orld view. How do you contribute to this picture? Action Seize the opportunity M.A.S.T.E.R. Measurable Attainable Specific Time-bound Exciting Relevant The network Use the network to get your voice out. Pick up the phone. read more

Showcase of Ideas at 2morro 2010

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:51pm
Each speaker had only two minutes to present their idea. See the brief summations below. Trustee of UK Youth Changing attitudes to youth – www.positiveaboutyouth.com They have 40,000 young people as volunteers. Mark Lewis – School of Communication Arts Ad industry funded school.  We have lots of scholarships.  We help our learners start new businesses.  [...]

2morro’s Teenage Monologues – Respect? Campaign

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:49pm
“The media misrepresents young people” – a series of Teenage Monologues (You can listen to them in the Audioboo  box on the main 2morro event page, at the top right) The negative stories about young people and the fact that we can’t vote means we are any easy target for politicians and the media. They [...]

Wiz from Greenjade and XLP – Gunz Down

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:46pm
Green Jade Hip Hop – speaker is Wiz Wizzdom begins with rap – listen to the audioboo.  “Poor or poor war”  is one ringing phrase. Wizz is concerned about the issues of gangs in the UK, works with XLP, a charity that ‘pimped a riot van’. “Know your craft” You need to know your craft [...]
by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:43pm
Michelle Clothier from Livity talks about the projects that they run including Live East Magazine (shown in the video above). "Everything that we do is about inspiring and celebrating young people. They were in conventional marketing jobs - fizzy drinks, trainers and mobile phones. Decided they wanted to do something more valid." read more
by briancondon, 12/07/10 2:35pm
Stacey was 20 when she went to India. She was ‘totally blown away’. She was out of the loop. When she came back she raised money for the kids in the factory where they made the programme. She’s raised thousands - and went on national TV (“I was on with Paxman!”). Afterwards she has continued to make documentaries focusing on child-exploitation issues around the world. read more

‘Being a young entrepreneur’ – Patrick Philpott, Visionpath

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:26pm
Set up his first business when he was 15. And he will talk about this experience and the future of the world of work. “I wanted to be an entrepreneur from the age of 11” Wanted to make enough money to buy a Bentley “Shows how shallow I am” he jokes. He wrote to successful [...]
by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:17pm
A talk on 'Spoof Gangsters Gone Viral' by KG and Marston. Video above of one of their YouTube hits. "Social media is very powerful in terms of how we connect  - have nearly 2,000 followers althogether.  Use Facebook - we need to use social media to connect to the audience... At the end of the day it’s called the entertainment business”. read more

‘Change tomorrow, start today’

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:10pm
Justyn Hollett, Brit School He’s 16 and he says he has ‘done so much’ – and I’m a normal young person.  He’s a Croydon Business Champion, he’s a young entrepreneur, freelance photographer, an author and a visionary. He says young people can be a bit negative but it doesn’t need to be like that. He [...]

‘App and Away: Stop & Search’

by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:08pm
Apps for Good’s Aaron Sonson and Satwant Singh The idea of creating apps for the community.  Stop & Search is an app that provides guidance to you if you are stopped and search by the Police.  There has been a massive increase in stop and searches – up 3 fold over recent years.  Only 6 [...]
by quitexander, 12/07/10 2:03pm
Tom Robbins has represented the UK on the World Summit on Media for children and youth.  Issues that affect children and youth in the World Media. Creativity alongside media is a very powerful tool and can be used to strengthen and uphold moral values.  [reads a poem - “If Martians Made Media - it would [...] read more

What is 2morro?

by quitexander, 12/07/10 10:27am
2morro is a free festival of ideas, innovation, performance, music, and positive life stories by young people, that takes place on London’s Southbank on 12 July 2010. Share, explore and celebrate new possibilities for our world For anyone under 25 interested in making a difference. 2morro showcases the best young entrepreneurs, artists, educators, campaigners, technologists, activists and creative talent in UK. The conference will feature great talks and stories, debates and discussions, performance and poetry all delivered by 16-25 year olds.
by quitexander, 07/07/10 4:37pm
read more

2morro2010 – The Programme

by quitexander, 07/07/10 4:22pm
The lineup includes talks and stories, debates and discussions, performance and poetry delivered by young people for young people. Naomi Jane, Founder, The 4WD Foundation, will be our host at 2morro offering insight and reflections throughout the day’s exciting programme. Her infectious energy and passion will leave you glowing at the end of a day packed full of inspiration!